One of the important directions of cultural policy in our country is related to the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. Azerbaijan is a country rich in examples of material culture with a centuries-old history. The main goal in this area is to restore and protect historical and cultural monuments, to ensure the improvement and development of historical and cultural reserves, as well as to promote the responsibility of every citizen to protect our historical heritage.
In this regard, the project “Our Heritage is Our Responsibility” is launched at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with the support of the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation and the State Service for Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture and the Union of Voluntary Organizations of Azerbaijan.
As it is known, voluntary movements in various fields of activity have been formed in our country. As in other areas, volunteers play an important role in the implementation of state policy in the field of culture. The project will be implemented with the participation of all volunteer movements and organizations operating in our country to increase the role of volunteers in the protection of our cultural heritage, given that our volunteers always breathe new life into their activities with their creativity, initiative, innovative thinking and modern outlook.
The main goal of the project is to make our cultural heritage more sensitive to society, to take an active part in its protection, study and promotion, and to instill in every citizen a moral duty.
Initially, the project will carry out landscaping work around the 19th-century Tahmazov Bath on September 19, 2020 at 11:00 (Address: Buzovna settlement, Sarabski Street 34) with the participation of employees of partner organizations and volunteers.